
Is There a Detector Can Detect All Search Targets ?

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Is There a Detector Can Detect All Search Targets ? Is There a Single Underground Gold Detector That Can Detect All Search Targets?

Many prospectors are searching for an all-in-one gold and metal detector capable of detecting all search and excavation targets. But is this possible? Some believe that the answer lies in imaging gold detectors.

There are many gold and metal detectors released by various brands at different prices and with different operating systems. Some devices come equipped with multiple search systems, not just imaging gold detectors. However, it’s impossible to pinpoint a single device that perfectly suits all search targets without getting the right device for your specific goals and properly training on how to use it.

Initially, there are several things to know about gold and metal detectors and the different systems available in these devices. This knowledge will help you choose the right gold detector for your objectives. There are many different gold and metal detection systems, each designed for specific search targets. In the following article, or by following our YouTube channel, you can learn about each system and how it matches your search goals.

Imaging Gold Detectors

An imaging gold detector relies entirely on 3D scanning technology. If your goal is to find buried treasures, gold, or even ancient artifacts, or to explore voids and tunnels buried at various depths underground, regardless of how narrow or small the space is, then your ideal device is one that operates with a 3D imaging system. This type of system offers the best quality and most accurate results compared to other types of gold and metal detectors. These devices can reach depths of up to 50 meters underground. Examples of such devices include:

  • Gold Hunter Smart:
    One of the best devices globally, operating with a 2D imaging system. It features four different search modes and can reach depths of up to 50 meters, with a 5-year warranty from the German manufacturer Ger Detect. The Gold Hunter Smart is known for its high speed in locating targets and accurately pinpointing their locations. It is easy to use, lightweight, and portable.

Long-Range Gold Detectors

If you are a gold and treasure hunter looking to explore deep underground, you might consider a long-range detection system. These devices can search depths of up to 3000 meters over large, open areas. The long-range detection system is one of the best from the German brand Ger Detect, known for devices like “Titan Ger 1000, Deep Seeker, Easy Way Smart.”

Sound-Based Gold Detectors

For detecting raw gold, sound-based detectors are the best choice. These devices are ideal for searching for small gold pieces and ancient gold coins at various depths, from 10 cm to 18 meters underground, across different areas. You will need a device specialized in detecting pure gold and gold pieces to achieve your goal. Some of the best examples include the German-made Gold Seeker from Ger Detect, one of the most accurate devices for detecting buried gold, raw gold, and old coins underground. The device can distinguish between precious and non-precious metals in the ground, is easy to use, and can detect raw gold, gold nuggets, and gold veins with ease and accuracy to depths of up to 3.5 meters underground.

Groundwater Detection Devices

Farmers, prospectors, and researchers often need groundwater, and they typically rely on devices that can detect groundwater. These devices, tested by many prospectors, are used to locate the spots where groundwater is found. This is achieved through the search systems available in groundwater detection devices, such as the Fresh Result 2, which operates with two different systems.

Electromagnetic System (VLF)

If you’re searching for treasures, pure gold, small gold pieces, and gold coins at depths ranging from 1 to 10 meters underground in narrow and confined spaces with specific indications and signals, you need a gold and metal detector that operates on the VLF electromagnetic system. One of the most popular devices using this system is the River-F Plus.

Contact us to learn more about underground gold detectors.

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